Bro. Thomas Moore, St X High School: "I have never seen anyone handle a bullwhip more efficiently or as silently."
Gail Schell, Vice-President, Home Builders Association of Louisville: "WOW! I was so impressed with all that you did - and we were very pleased with the results of your efforts."
Mike Petchenik, former reporter at WLKY-TV, now at WSB in Atlanta-TV: "Honi has proven herself to be one of the most dependable, accessible Public Relations professionals in Greater Louisville. Anytime we need any information for a story about her clients, she bends over backwards to provide it to us."
Teddy B. Gordon, Attorney at Law: Ms. Goldman demonstrated exceptional and extraordinary talent, intelligence, ability and perseverance in handling all aspects and demands pertaining to this controversial landmark case, while presenting our side to the local, national and international media. At the press conference on the steps of the US Supreme Court following oral arguments, she used her considerable skill and guile to provide the news media an interview with me that exceed the time of all of the other participants. On June 28, 2007, as the Supreme Court decision was announced, through Ms. Goldman's Herculean efforts, she captured the entire nation's attention with our press conference. More importantly, she is a ferocious fighter that always has your back and you want on your side.
Cantor David Lipp of Congregation Adath Jeshurun: You have provided an engine of ingenuity and competence to a yearly program which requires the integration of unbelievable number of details.