Political Ads

All of these ads were conceived, developed, created and funds raised within a short amount of time -- and each of these ads spearheaded a grassroots effort.

Anti Bevin

This ad galvanized an outcry across the country, setting the stage for rallys and protests that are still resonating today.  Hundreds of women sent in what ever they could afford, some as little as $5, to cover the cost of the ad, some using aliases in order to not be fired by Bevin. 

Hospital Merger Protest

Within 24 hours of a news story about the impeding merger between local hospitals with a out of state religious company, Honi Goldman convinced a small group of activists that an ad would be better than letters to the editor.  Goldman devised the logistics , created the ad copy and layout and secured enough signatures with donations to place a half page ad.  The ad galvanized the community with a grassroot movement formed that became such a force that it stopped the merger.

In addition, the heads of the university and hospitals were so overwhelmed by the protest, that whenever they spoke to the news media, they only generated more questions that I was ready to contradict.  Besides the queries on the merger stipulations and reproductive services conflicting with the ERDs, financial logistics and legal concerns on the sale, the federal and state privacy rights of patients, employee issues, all became hot topics that the proposed merging parties could not answer.

Ad protesting Rand Paul

Rand Paul Ad.jpg