"Women Helping Women" 

Liz Claiborne CEO with afternoon drive time WHAS AM radio host, Terry Meiners 

Liz Claiborne CEO with afternoon drive time WHAS AM radio host, Terry Meiners


“Women Helping Women” was a unique and never done before project that I created, implemented and supervised.  By partnering a national clothing manufacturer, Liz Claiborne Inc., with various national department store chains in the area to collect women’s business clothes in order to benefit victims of domestic violence, not only did the clothing drive bring in thousands of garments, but literature at the stores and the media events raised awareness of this social problem.

Liz Claiborne CEO being Interviewed at a local department store by TV news crew. 

Liz Claiborne CEO being Interviewed at a local department store by TV news crew.


The multiyear event was kicked-off in 1999 by the CEO and President of Liz Claiborne, Paul R. Charron.  All the local media covered this event, including on site TV and in studio radio interviews.

Because of the tight media schedule I had to devised, the greatest compliment I have ever received was given – from the aged Father Thomas Moore, who motioned me over after I wordlessly stopped a TV interview and hurried Mr. Charron to his next meeting: “I have never seen anyone handle a bullwhip more efficiently or as silently.”

Media coverage was saturated and repeated yearly in every publication and broadcast outlet.  The U.S. Senator from Kentucky spoke about this issue on the Senate floor, thus becoming part of the Congressional Record.  National non-profits and Fortune 500 Boards talked about this event.

A few years later, I helped Kansas City duplicate this project for their city.